摘 要:摘 要:脐带血(umbilical cord blood)作为公认的造血干细胞重要来源之一,已经被广泛地用于治疗儿童和成人的良恶性血液系统疾病以及中枢神经系统疾病、实体瘤、缺血性下肢血管病和组织再生等。相对于骨髓移植和外周血来源的造血干细胞移植,脐带血移植(UCBT)在细胞收集使用、干细胞增殖能力以及移植物抗宿主反应等方面都具有明显的优势。目前的数据显示,因为HLA配型等原因而无法进行骨髓移植的患者应该尽早进行UCBT。此外,UCBT的增多促进了脐带血库的快速建设。本文针对UCBT和脐带血库的最新进展进行了综述。
Abstract: Abstract: Umbilical cord blood (UCB) has proven to be a feasible alternative source of hematopoietic/progenitor stem cells for pediatric and some adult patients with malignant and non-malignant hematological disorders, central nervous system disease, solid tumor, limb ischemic diseases and organ regeneration. Compared with peripheral blood or bone marrow, the advantages of umbilical cord blood include painless collection, faster availability, higher proliferative capacity and a lower incidence of acute graft versus host disease and so on. All available data suggest that UCBT should be carried out for the patients who require an urgent transplantation but lacking an HLA-matched BM donor. In addition, the fast development of the UCBT has driven the evolution of cord blood banking. This review describes the recent clinical results and discusses developing of cord blood bank.
Key words: umbilical cord blood transplantation; cord blood bank; hematopoietic stem cell