(哥伦比亚大学分子识别中心,纽约 10032,美国)

摘 要:摘 要:单分子荧光共振能量转移技术(single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer, smFRET) 通过检测单个分子内的荧光供体及受体间荧光能量转移的效率,来研究分子构象的变化。在单分子探测技术发展之前,大多数的分子实验是探测分子的综合平均效应(ensemble averages),这一平均效应掩盖了许多特殊的信息。单分子探测可以对体系中的单个分子进行研究,得到某一分子特性的分布状况,也可研究生物分子的动力学反应。介绍了近来单分子荧光共振能量转移技术的进展。

Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer technique
ZHAO Yong-Fang
(Center for Molecular Recognition, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York 10032, USA)

Abstract: Abstract: Single molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (smFRET) method was used to detect the conformational changes by detecting the energy transfer efficiency between donor and acceptor in single molecule. Before the development of single molecule detection method, most of the molecular experiment was done by ensemble averages method which lost lots of special information. Single molecule detection can analyze the single molecule in the system, get the histogram distribution of the molecules and also analyze the kinetics of the
bimolecular reaction. This review described the recent progress of single molecule fluorescence energy transfer technique.
Key words: single molecule; fluorescence resonance energy transfer; fluorescence fluorophore

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