王海燕,张露萍,郑 英*
(扬州大学医学院人体解剖与组织胚胎学,扬州 225001)

摘 要:

摘 要:PIAS(protein inhibitor of activated STAT) 蛋白家族能够与许多蛋白质发生相互作用,其中大部分为转录因子。PIASx 是4 个组成成员中的一种,其包括两个亚型。PIASx 通过与不同种类的蛋白相互作用,影响它们的活性和功能。PIASx 蛋白的调控机制主要有两种:一种是通过其自身所具有的SUMO(small ubiquitin-related modifiers)E3 连接酶活性,促进对一些转录因子、转录辅因子的SUMO 化修饰,从而调控它们的转录活性;另一种是作为构架蛋白,通过与雄激素受体的作用参与雄激素介导的基因转录调节。PIAS 蛋白的上述两种作用机制并不是完全互相排斥的,这体现了PIASx 蛋白功能的特异性和复杂性。
关键词:PIASx ;SUMO ;SUMO E3 连接酶;雄激素调节因子;SAP
中图分类号:Q51 文献标志码:A

Progress of protein inhibitor of activated STATx’s structure and function
WANG Hai-Yan, ZHANG Lu-Ping, ZHENG Ying*
(Human Anatomy and Histology & Embryology, School of Medicine, Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225001, China)

Abstract: Abstrat: Protein inhibitor of activated STAT (PIAS) family could interact with many proteins, most of which are transcriptional factors. PIASx is one of the four members and consists of two subtypes. By interacting with other proteins, PIASx could either activate them or change their functions.PIASx plays roles mainly through two mechanisms: As SUMO E3 ligases, PIASx could sumoylate some transcriptional factors and cofactors to regulate their transcriptional activations; it also works as structural proteins to intermidate androgen mediated gene
transcription regulation by interactions with their receptors. These two  echanisms of PIASx protein are not absolutely exclusive , they are interweaves to each other and still need to be further investigated.
Key words: PIAS x; SUMO; SUMO E3 ligase; Androgen receptors coregulator; SAP

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