郭 军,章双杰,汤青萍*
(中国农业科学院家禽研究所,扬州 225003)

摘 要:

摘 要:垂体和性腺是生殖轴重要组成部分,两者之间的协同与制衡是动物维持正常生长发育的保证。性腺产生的雌激素可以反馈调控垂体神经内分泌活动。近年来,随着基因芯片和差异表达谱分析技术的发展,垂体内雌激素受体介导的基因调控网络不断取得进展,垂体生殖生理功能备受关注。通过综述雌激素及其受体在促性腺激素、催乳素、生长激素合成分泌中的调控作用,以及雌激素对垂体生长发育的影响,探讨雌激素受体通过垂体影响生殖过程,希望能为进一步研究雌激素及其受体的生殖生理作用开拓思路。
中图分类号:Q492 ;Q579.13 文献标志码:A

Biological function of estrogen receptors in pituitary
GUO Jun, ZHANG Shuang-Jie, TANG Qing-Ping*
(Institute of Poultry Science, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences, Yangzhou 225003, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Pituitary and gonad are important compositions of reproductive axis. The orchestrations and counteractions between two organs set up a stage for normal growth and development. Neuroendocrine action in pituitary would be regulated by estrogen, which is mainly synthesized in ovary. Recently, advance with microarray
and differently expressed gene profile, great strides have been made in gene network mediated by pituitary estrogen. Many studies on pituitary estrogen focus on reproduction physiology. In this paper, we reviewed estrogen{$39}s effect on
expression and secretion of pituitary hormones, and on growth and regression of pituitary. At last, we discussed the biological function of estrogen and its receptors in pituitary. This work is useful to further study estrogen and its receptor on reproduction physiology.
Key words: pituitary; biological function; estrogen receptor; estrogen

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