王云帅,齐 晖,李富荣*
(1 暨南大学第二临床医学院(深圳市人民医院)普外科,深圳 518020;2深圳市老年医学研究所,深圳 518020)

摘 要:摘 要:成体干细胞(adult stem cells, ASCs) 是指存在于一种已经分化组织中的未分化细胞,它们可以再生修复损伤的组织和器官,是组织工程和细胞治疗的理想细胞。但是ASCs 在体外扩增过程中容易发生自主分化和衰老,影响其在临床的广泛应用。组蛋白乙酰化作为表观遗传调节的重要机制,参与细胞分化、衰老及凋亡等众多细胞活动的调控。该文就组蛋白乙酰化对成体干细胞生物学性状的影响进行综述。
关键词:组蛋白乙酰化; 成体干细胞; 细胞分化; 细胞衰老
中图分类号:Q813 ;Q25 文献标志码:A

Effect of histone acetylation to the biological property of adult stem cells
WANG Yun-Shuai, QI Hui, LI Fu-Rong*
(1 Department of General Surgery, The Second Affiliated Hospital (Shenzhen People’s Hospital) of Jinan University ; Shenzhen 518020, China; 2 Shenzhen Institute of Gerontology, Shenzhen 518020, China)

Abstract: Adult stem cells(ASCs)are undifferentiated cell types found among differentiated cells in tissue , which  can regenerate to repair damaged tissues and organs.They have been considered as good stem cells in some fieldslike tissue engineering and cell therapies. However, spontaneous differentiation and aging of ASCs during culture proliferation in vitro have dampened the clinical application of ASCs. Histone acetylation, as an important mechanism of epigenetic regulation, has been known to be involved in the regulation cell differentiation, aging,
apoptosis and so on. In this review, we focus on the effect of histone acetylation to the biological property of ASCs .
Key words: histone acetylation ; adult stem cells; cell differentiation; cell aging

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