(中国科学院上海生命科学研究院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所,细胞生物学国家重点实验室(筹),上海 200031)

摘 要:摘 要:虽然“光遗传学”只是一种技术方法,但它在文献中正愈来愈多地被提到。光遗传学结合了重组DNA 技术与光学技术,对细胞生物学的研究非常有用。它被广泛应用于活细胞内目标蛋白质的跟踪以及选择性地控制脑中某类细胞的特定的神经活动从而推动了神经科学研究的深入。近来光遗传学的应用扩展到了信号转导的研究,也开始有医学临床的应用的报道。进一步发展光遗传学无疑将推动合成生理学的研究。光遗传学被《自然- 方法学》期刊评为2010 年年度方法。
中图分类号:Q784   文献标志码:A

LIN Qi-Shui
(State Key Laboratory of Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Abstract: Abstract: The term “Optogenetics” has been widely used in the literature, although it is simply a technical method.Optogenetics combines recombinant DNA technology and optic technology, and is very powerful for cell biology research. It has been widely used for tracing target protein in living cell as well as selectively controlling precise neural activity patterns within subtypes of cells of the brain for in depth study of neuroscience research. Recently optogenetics has been extended to the study of signal transduction and even be explored for clinical application. Further development of optogenetics will no doubt feasible the study of synthetic physiology. Optogenetics was selected by the journal of Nature Methods as method of the year 2010.
Key words: Optogentics; photo-sensitive protein; photo-activated ion channel; neuron

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