王 倩1,康 振2,梁泉峰2,祁庆生1,2*
(1 山东大学国家糖工程技术研究中心,济南 250100;2 山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室,济南 250100)

摘 要:摘 要:合成生物学(synthetic biology)是伴随着基因工程、系统生物学以及生物信息学的发展而出现的一个新的交叉学科。大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)作为一种宿主在合成生物学的发展中功不可没。从某种意义上讲,合成生物学的每一次进展都离不开大肠杆菌。从大肠杆菌的角度出发,对合成生物学的发展进行深入分析,并提出了合成生物学在中国发展的重点。

Future of synthetic: Development of synthetic biology in the view of Escherichia coli reconstruction
WANG Qian1, KANG Zhen2, LIANG Quan-Feng2, QI Qing-Sheng1,2*
(1 National Glycoengineering Research Center, Jinan 250100, China; 2 State Key Lab of Microbial Technology, Jinan 250100, China)

Abstract: Synthetic biology is an inter-discipline that appeared with the development of genetic engineering, system biology and bioinformatics. As a host, Escherichia coli played an important role in the development of synthetic biology. Therefore, this review summarized the recent development of E. coli as a host of synthetic biology.
Key words: synthetic biology; Escherichia coli; chassis; reconstruction

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