李 杨1,2,陈 涛1*,赵学明1
(1 天津大学化工学院生物工程系,系统生物工程教育部重点实验室,天津大学-爱丁堡大学系统生物学与合成生物学联合研究中心,天津 300072;2 石河子大学生命科学学院,石河子 832000)

摘 要:摘 要:微生物基因组简化是合成生物学研究热点之一。基因组的适度精简可使细胞代谢途径得以优化,改善细胞对底物、能量的利用效率,大大提高细胞生理性能的预测性和可控性。基因组简化细胞将为生物技术的应用提供理想的底盘细胞。回顾了构建基因组简化细胞的研究策略、研究方法及一些模式生物相关研究进展,总结了基因组简化研究所面临的问题及解决办法,对基因组减小化研究发展趋势前景进行了展望。

Progress in development of microbial reduced genome
LI Yang1,2, CHEN Tao1*, ZHAO Xue-Ming1
(1 Department of Biochemical Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering & Technology, Tianjin University, Key Laboratory of Systems Bioengineering Ministry of Education, Edinburgh-Tianjin Joint Research Centre for Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology, Tianjin 300072, China; 2 College of Life Science, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832000, China)

Abstract: Abstract:  Research on microbial reduced genome is a key focus of synthetic biology. An engineering cell with reduced genome and robust, predictable, controllable physiological traits could be built by rational design and gene manipulation, which could serve as a desired chassis cell for biotechnological applications. In this paper, the research strategies, empirical methods for genome reduction and related research progress of some model microorganisms were reviewed. The difficult problems and solutions when constructing the reduced genome cell, as well as application prospects of the reduced genome cell were discussed.
Key words: reduced genome; essential gene; gene knock out

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