(华东师范大学体育与健康学院 线粒体氧化还原应激实验室,上海 200241)

摘 要:摘 要:细胞自噬作为真核生物中最基本的生命现象,广泛参与机体的多种生理和病理过程,其发生的分子机制复杂且高度保守。哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin, mTOR)通路和Beclin1及相关因子发挥了最直接的调控作用。mTOR可通过上游各信号因子的调节引起自身活性的变化,并通过调节下游复合物Atg1/ULK的生成诱导细胞自噬。弄清mTOR通路及其对自噬复合物的作用机制将有助于从分子水平上对各种肿瘤疾病进行分析和治疗。

mTOR signaling pathway and autophagy
QIAN Shuai-Wei, QI Zheng-Tang, DING Shu-Zhe*
(Laboratory of Mitochondria and Redox Stress, College of Physical Education and Health, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Autophagy is a vital basic phenomenon, which widely exists in eukaryotic cells and is involved in many physiological and pathological processes. Its molecular mechanisms are highly complex and conserved, among which mammalian target of rapamycin(mTOR) signaling pathway and the complex of Beclin1 play a direct role in the regulation of autophagy. mTOR can be regulated by every upstream factor, as well as modulate the formation of downstream complex Atg1/ULK and eventually induce autophagy. Understanding of mTOR signaling pathway and its function on autophagic complexes will help to analyze and treat various tumors from the molecular perspective.
Key words: autophagy; mTOR; signaling pathway; complexes; tumors

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