张智印,陶 冶*
(中国科学院高能物理研究所,北京 100049)

摘 要:

:同步辐射圆二色谱与普通圆二色谱相比,特点在于向真空紫外波段(<200 nm)拓展,以及同步辐射所提供的高强度紫外和真空紫外光源。糖的圆二色谱结构主要在200 nm以下。蛋白质和核酸在200 nm以下的真空紫外范围,也具有丰富的光谱结构。因此向真空紫外拓展,伴随新的电子跃迁,对应新的光谱结构,包含更丰富的结构信息,确定的结构种类就越多和越精确。同步辐射高强度的真空紫外光源,是获得高质量真空紫外圆二色谱数据的保证,为糖及糖蛋白、蛋白质和核酸研究,提供了溶液中结构探测新的实验方法。综述了同步辐射圆二色谱特点及其结构生物学中的应用,以及新发展的蛋白质圆二色谱数据库(PCDDB)。此外,还介绍了已对外开放的北京同步辐射实验室同步辐射圆二色谱探测,及其在蛋白质、糖和核酸研究中的应用,以及基于微流控混合芯片的亚毫秒动态探测发展。


中图分类号:Q657.7; Q53   文献标志码:A

Synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy and its application in glycobiology and biomolecules
ZHANG Zhi-Ying, TAO Ye*
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)


Abstract: CD is widely used to determine conformation of protein,sugar and the nucleic acid . Commercial CD spectrometers generally measure only down to 200 nm due to the low intensity of lamp sources below 200nm. However, most of structure information is contained below 200nm for proteins,sugars and the nucleic acids. Synchrotron source can provide intensive vacuum ultraviolet light, thus allowing high quality data to be extended below 200 nm. In addition, SRCD measurement is usually carried out in solution phase, requiring very small amount of sample and no limit on macromolecule size. Therefore, synchrotron radiation circular dichroism (SRCD) has emerged as a powerful technique to investigating conformation of biomolecules. In this review, a brief introduction will be presented for SRCD and its application. In addition, the SRCD development at the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF) will be described with its applications in proteins, nucleic acids and sugars.

Key words: synchrotron radiation circular dichroism; sugar; glycoprotein; nucleic acid; microfluidic mixing chip

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