
摘 要:

摘 要:唾液酸(sialic acid) 是一类酸性九碳单糖,是所有神经氨酸或酮基- 脱氧壬酮糖酸(KDN) 的N- 或O-衍生物的总称。唾液酸作为复合糖的组成部分镶嵌于所有细胞表面以及大多数脊椎动物糖蛋白和糖脂分子的末端最外侧。唾液酸家族成员已经达到五十多个,其分子结构多样,在生物体内分布广泛。唾液酸介导或调制了发育、炎症、病原感染、肿瘤发生发展等诸多生理和病理过程,与人类健康和疾病密切关联。对唾液酸生物学的研究已成为糖生物学研究的热点之一。对唾液酸与人类健康与疾病研究的新进展做一综述。
中图分类号:Q532  文献标志码:A  

Sialobiology in human health and disease
ZHANG Jia-Ning*, WANG Shu-Jing
(Department of Biochemistry, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Dalian Medcial University, Dalian 116044, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Sialic acid is one class of acidic sugar with nine-carbon backbone, the N-or O-derivatives of all neuraminic acid or 2-keto-deoxynonic acid (KDN). Sialic acids decorate all cell surfaces and locate on the terminating branching of glycoproteins and glycolipids in most vertebrate, as a part of glycoconjugates. Sialic acid family has more than 50 members with diverse molecular structure and ubiquitous distribution in vivo. Sialic acids can mediate or modulate various physiological and pathological processes including development, inflammation, pathogen infection, tumorigenesis, which are closely related to human health and disease. Sialobiology research has become one of the most attractive fields of Glycobiology. This review introduces some recent progress of sialobiology research in human health and disease.
Key words: sialic acid; function diversity; human disease

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