
摘 要:



中图分类号:Q53; R979.1  文献标志码:A


Carbohydrate drugs
DU Xiao-Guang, GENG Mei-Yu*
(Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201203, China)


Abstract:As an important biological information molecules and high-density information carriers, sugar chain involved in almost all life processes in living beings, especially in cell differentiation, development, immunity, aging, cancer, signal transduction and other basic life activities and diseases. For the bioactivities of carbohydrates, carbohydrate drugs had been widely used in anti-tumor, Alzheimer{$39}s, immune, anti-virus, and other diseases. And the use of carbohydrates is still expanding. Therefore, the various bioactivities and low toxicity endow carbohydrates broad prospects.

Key words: carbohydrate drugs; biological activity; cancer; Alzheimer{$39}s; anti-virus; immune regulation

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