丁存宝1*,刘海燕2,李桂秋3,贾长虹1,李 明1,唐红梅1
(1 河北联合大学生命科学学院,唐山 063009;2 河北联合大学化工学院,唐山 063009;3 遵化市西郊医院,遵化 064200)

摘 要:摘 要:丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)可导致慢性肝炎,在全球约有1.8亿人感染。当前对于HCV的预防和治疗手段是很有限的,没有有效的疫苗,临床使用干扰素和利巴韦林联用有效率只有55%,而且有明显副作用,因而HCV感染的小动物模型对于抗HCV药物开发以及HCV发病机制的研究是非常重要的;但是HCV只感染人和黑猩猩,存在天然的物种限制。重点介绍利用三种方法克服物种屏障,开发小鼠感染HCV模型的进展,以及转HCV基因小鼠模型前景。

Small animal model for investigating into HCV infection and pathogenesis
DING Cun-Bao1, LIU Hai-Yan2, LI Gui-Qiu3, JIA Chang-Hong1, LI Ming1, TANG Hong-Mei1
(1 Hebei United University, College of Life Science, Tangshan 063009, China; 2 Hebei United University, College of Chemical Engineering, Tangshan 063009, China; 3 Zunhua Xijiao Hospital, Tangshan 063009, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) causes chronic liver disease and affects about 180 million people in the world. Treatments for the HCV infection are limited because there is no vaccine and interferon-based treatments are frequently ineffective (SVR 55%) and have significant side effects. A small-animal model for HCV infection is very important to accelerate anti-HCV compound development and HCV pathogenesis. The natural species tropism of HCV is limited to humans and chimpanzees, this paper discusses the prospects of three approaches for overcoming current species barriers for developing a mouse model for HCV infection, and application prospects of a small-animal model for HCV pathogenesis by transgenic technology.
Key words: hepatitis c virus; small-animal model; xenotransplantation; transgenic

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