远 洋1,王雪峰2*,李云霞1,穆 兰1,潘欣宇1
(1 辽宁医学院,锦州 121001;2 辽宁医学院附属第一医院,锦州 121001)

摘 要:摘 要:树突状细胞是功能最强的抗原提呈细胞,是启动、调节及维持免疫应答的核心环节,以树突状细胞为基础的肿瘤疫苗被认为是最具潜能的肿瘤免疫治疗手段。细胞因子信号通路抑制因子1(suppressor of cytokine signaling1, SOCS1)是细胞因子信号通路抑制因子 (suppressor of cytokine signaling, SOCS)家族的重要成员,广泛参与树突状细胞的发生、成熟和活化,具有负调控树突状细胞功能的重要作用。SOCS1沉默的树突状细胞能够促进自身成熟并增强其诱导的T细胞的抗肿瘤活性。现就国内外关于树突状细胞功能研究及基因修饰的肿瘤疫苗临床试验作一综述,以期对未来的研究有所帮助。

Progress of study on SOCS1 silent DC vaccine for oncotherapy
YUAN Yang1, WANG Xue-Feng2*, LI Yun-Xia1, MU Lan1, PAN Xin-Yu1
(1 Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou 121001, China; 2 Department of Otolaryngology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Liaoning Medical University, Jinzhou 121001, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Dendritic cell is the most potent professional antigen-presenting cell, which displays an extraordinary capacity to induce, sustain and regulate immune responses. For this reason, DC vaccine is considered the most potential tumor immune therapy. Suppressor of cytokine signaling 1(SOCS1) is an important member of SOCS family, which is irreplaceable in the regulation of DC activation, development, and differentiation. SOCS1 represents an inhibitory control mechanism for DC antigen presentation. SOCS1 silent DC could promote DC maturity and enhance the antitumor response of T cell. This paper overviews the current status of dendritic cell function studies and clinical trials on gene-modified DC vaccine, for the purpose of helping the future research.
Key words: suppressor of cytokine signaling 1; DC vaccine; oncotherapy

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