曹庆芹1,冯永庆2,刘玉芬1,郭献平2,张国庆1,秦 岭2*
(1 北京农学院生物技术学院,北京 102206;2 北京农学院植物科学技术学院,北京 102206)

摘 要:摘 要:土壤中低浓度的有效磷水平成为限制植物生长发育的主要因素。植物—真菌菌根共生可以显著提高植物吸收土壤中磷的能力,促进植物生长发育。该文对土壤中磷酸盐的形式、丛枝状菌根和外生菌根两种菌根类型的形态学特征和促磷吸收的发生机制、植物中已克隆的菌根特异性或诱导性磷转运蛋白,以及丛枝状真菌共生信号转导途径等进行了综述。

Advance of plant phosphorus uptake improved by mycorrhiza fungi
CAO Qing-Qin1, FENG Yong-Qing2, LIU Yu-Fen1, GUO Xian-Ping2, ZHANG Guo-Qing1, QIN Ling2*
(1 Department of Biotechnology, Beijing Agriculture University, Beijing 102206, China; 2 Department of Plant Science and Technology, Beijing Agriculture University, Beijing 102206, China)

Abstract: Abstract: In the soil the concentration of soluble phosphorus is very scarce, which is one of main factors limiting plant growth. Plant-fungus has evolved a symbiosis way called mycorrhiza to significantly increase plant Pi uptake ability from soil, and improve plant growth. Here we first summarize the morphological characters of two types of mycorrhizae including ecto-mycorrhiza and arbuscular mycorrhiza. Then we summarize the studies on mechanisms of improving Pi absorbance, and the mycorrhiza-specific and inducible phosphate transporter identified in plant. Finally we introduce the current understanding of signaling pathway during arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis.
Key words: arbuscular mycorrhiza; ecto-mycorrhiza; Pi transporter protein; Pi uptake; signaling transduction

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