王振东1, 2,郑 重2,胡丽丽2,刘忠华1,雷 蕾2*
(1 东北农业大学生命科学学院,哈尔滨 150030;2 哈尔滨医科大学基础医学院,组织学与胚胎学教研室,哈尔滨 150030)

摘 要:摘 要:哺乳动物胚胎植入前的发育中致密化和囊胚形成分别标志着第一次、第二次细胞分化(即细胞命运决定)的起始,是胚胎正常发育的必要条件。因此对影响致密化和囊胚形成的蛋白及调节因子的研究尤为重要。本文探讨了与致密化相关的细胞黏附蛋白、连接蛋白、细胞骨架等分子和囊胚形成相关的紧密连接蛋白、钠钾三磷酸腺苷激酶等分子的一系列调控,以及致密化和囊胚形成在细胞命运决定中的重要作用。

Molecular regulation of compaction and blastocyst formation in mouse preimplantation embryo
WANG Zhen-Dong1, ZHENG Zhong2, HU Li-Li2, LIU Zhong-Hua1, LEI Lei2*
(1 College of Life Sciences, Northeast Agricultural University, Haerbin 150030, China; 2 Department of Histology and Embryology, Basic Medical Science College, Harbin Medical University, Haerbin 150030, China)

Abstract: Abstract: Compaction and blastocyst formation in mammal preimplantation embryo indicate the initiation of first and second cell differentiation, that is to say, cell fate determination. It is important to understand the proteins and factors in regulating compaction and blastocyst formation, which are essential for normal embryonic development. In this review, we summarized the molecules, such as cell adhesion proteins, cell junction proteins, cytoskeleton, tight junction proteins, sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphate kinase, etc. in these events. We also discussed the role of these two events in embryonic cell fate determination.
Key words: preimplantation embryo; compaction; blastocyst formation; cell fate determination

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