(华中农业大学文法学院,武汉 430070)

摘 要:

摘 要:转基因水稻的产业化对缓解我国乃至世界的粮食危机和对保障我国的粮食安全都有重要的意义,而知识产权作为转基因水稻产业化进程中的基础性问题一直得到广泛的关注,尤其是关于我国是否会遭遇专利陷阱的问题。通过对我国知识产权制度以及所进行的转基因水稻专利检索数据的分析来看,转基因水稻的产业化并不会使我国遭遇专利陷阱,专利侵权的指控也并不存;但在整个产业化进程中,为保障转基因水稻知识产权的良性发展,还应当从如何促进技术优势转化为产业优势、如何对国外专利技术加以运用、如何维护稻农利益以及如何加强知识产权行政保护和司法保护等方面加以完善。


中图分类号:S511; DF523  文献标识码:A

The intellectual property issues of the industrialization of transgenic rice in China—Response to the question of “foreign patent trap”
LIU Xu-Xia*, LI Jie-Yu
(College of Humanities and Social Science, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China)


Abstract: The industrialization of transgenic rice is very significant to the mitigation of China’s and the world food crisis, and the protection of China’s food security. The Intellectual Property, which is the basic issue of the industrialization of transgenic rice, has been widely discussed, especially the question whether China will run into the foreign patent trap. Through the analysis of our country’s Intellectual Property system and the data of patents retrieval of transgenic rice, the industrialization of transgenic rice will not make us get into the foreign patent trap, and the accuse of patent infringement does not exist. But in the process of industrialization, to protect the well development of Intellectual Property on transgenic rice, there are still some things to be improved, such as how to
how to promote technological advantages into industrial advantage, how to use the foreign patents in our country, how to safeguard the interests of peasants and how to strengthen the administrative protection and the judicial protection of Intellectual Property rights, and so on.


Key words: transgenic rice; industrialization; the foreign patent trap; the independent intellectual property

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