(上海交通大学生命科学技术学院,上海 200240)

摘 要:

摘 要:随着转基因生物及其产品的大规模商业化以及消费者对其安全性的担心,很多国家和地区纷纷出台包括转基因产品标签制度在内的转基因生物安全管理的法律法规,为保障转基因产品标签制度的实施以及消费者知情权和选择权,转基因产品检测分析方法及其标准化研究受到人们广泛重视。目前,国内外常用的转基因产品检测方法主要包括针对转基因产品中的目的核酸DNA 分子或者其编码的蛋白质分子,本文将对转基因生物及其产品检测方法及其标准化的进展及发展趋势做一概述。


关键词:转基因生物;DNA ;蛋白质;检测方法;标准化
中图分类号:R155.5 文献标识码:A

The development and standardization of testing approaches for genetically modified organisms and their derived products
ZHANG Da-Bing*, GUO Jin-Chao
(School of Life Sciences and Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China)


Abstract: Commercialization of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) worldwide has led to consumers’ concern regarding the safety of GMOs. To protect the consumers’ rights, many countries have issued regulations requiring
mandatory labeling of GMOs and their derived products. Implementation of labeling regulations requires the development and standardization of analytical approaches for GMOs. At date, the testing approaches for the analysis of GMO are mainly on the transgenic DNA sequences and the novel protein(s) expressed in a GMO. This paper presents an overview of GMO testing approaches as well as their standardization.


Key words: genetically modified organisms (GMOs); DNA; protein; testing approaches; standardization

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