(1 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院,北京 100083;2 农业部转基因生物食用安全监督检验测试中心,北京 100083)

摘 要:摘 要:转基因植物经历了20 年的快速发展,已经成为21 世纪农业的重要支柱之一。转基因植物从诞生以来,其食用安全性一直是科学界、政府和广大消费者关心的焦点问题。各类转基因安全事件层出不穷,严重影响着转基因产业的发展。本文从营养、毒性、过敏性、抗生素抗性、非期望效应等五个方面系统总结了转基因植物食用安全的问题,详细介绍了转基因植物食用安全评价的六大原则以及国际与国内对转基因植物食用安全性评价的内容,最后介绍了我国的转基因植物安全管理体系。以期使读者对转基因植物食用安全问题有一个系统全面的了解。

中图分类号:TS201.6 文献标识码:A

Food safety and its assessment strategies of genetically modified plant
XU Wen-Tao1,2, HE Xiao-Yun2, HUANG Kun-Lun1,2, LUO Yun-Bo1,2*
(1 College of Food Science and Nutrition Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China;2 The Supervision, Inspection & Testing Center of Genetically Modified Food Safety, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100083, China)


Abstract: After 20-years rapid development, genetically modified plant (GMP) has become one of the most important pillar of agriculture in the 21st century. Since the birth of GMP, food safety has always been the focus of scientists, governments and consumers. The development of GMP was influenced by a series of events involved the safety of GMP. In this paper, food safety problems of GMP were summarized, including nutrition, toxicity, allergenicity, antibiotic resistance and unintended effect. The six principles of food safety assessment as well as international and domestic safety evaluation content of GMP were introduced in detail. And finally the safety management system of our country was illustrated. The target of this paper is to enable readers having a
comprehensive understanding of food safety of GMP.


Key words: genetically modified plant; food safety; safety assessment

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