(中国农业科学院作物科学研究所,北京 100081)

摘 要:

摘 要:当前,发达国家及跨国种业集团在功能基因组学、转基因技术和转基因产品研发方面进展显著,转基因产业发展势头强劲,已成为近年来持续保持高速增长的新兴产业。我国高度重视转基因植物研发及产业化,整体水平领先于发展中国家,但与国际转基因生物产业快速发展和我国农业发展对转基因产品的需求相比,在转基因技术和产品创新、产业化机制以及支撑条件等方面尚存在较多制约因素。基于系统比较分析,建议我国进一步加强转基因植物研发能力建设,夯实转基因育种基础,突破转基因核心技术,培育转基因植物新品种,加强产学研紧密结合,培育具有自主创新能力和市场竞争力的大型企业,与此同时加强科普宣传,营造良好的社会氛围,推进我国生物育种战略性新兴产业的快速发展。


中图分类号:Q789; TS201.6; F416.82 文献标识码:A

Research and development status and future strategy of transgenic plants in China
WAN Jian-Min
(Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China)


Abstract: Currently, developed countries and multinational seed companies have made great progress in R&D of plant functional genomics, transgenic technology and genetically modified (GM) products. Production of GM crop is increasing rapidly and has become a new emerging industry in recent years. The Chinese government is highly concerned with the R&D and their industrialization of GM crops, and leads the developing countries in this respect, but there still has distance with the rapid development of international industry and can not meet the needs of our agricultural requirements. There exist several limitations in transgenic technology and product innovation, industrialization mechanisms and support conditions in China. Based on systematic comparison analysis, we propose to enhance our transgenic R&D capability building and transgenic based breeding, as well as to breakthrough transgenic core technology and develop GM products. With ever closer collaborations among research institutes, universities and companies, we aim to develop large enterprises with self-innovation capability and strong
market competition. Meanwhile, we should promote public comprehension for GM crops and therefore establish an amenable social environment that propels rapid development of transgenic breeding-based emerging industry in China.


Key words: functional genomics; gene cloning; transgenic technology; genetically modified product

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