赵 翔1,李 娜1,2,王棚涛1,张 骁1*
1河南省植物逆境生物学重点实验室/河南大学生命科学学院,开封 475004;2郑州澍青医学高等专科学校基础医学部,郑州 450000

摘 要:摘 要:干旱、盐渍、低温等均可导致植物可利用水分的亏缺,表现为水分胁迫。植物感受到水分胁迫,诱导脱落酸(abscisic acid, ABA)生物合成。ABA可通过促使气孔关闭或抑制气孔开放,使作物尽可能地降低蒸腾失水,以抵御水分胁迫。该文就植物激素ABA及其下游信号过氧化氢(hydrogen peroxide, H2O2)、一氧化氮(nitric oxide, NO)以及Ca2+ 等在植物气孔运动调节方面的研究进展进行概述,以构建水分胁迫下ABA调节植物气孔运动的可能模式。

Regulation of abscisic acid on plant resistance to water stress
ZHAO Xiang1, LI Na1,2 , WANG Peng-Tao1, ZHANG Xiao1*
1 Henan Key Laboratory of Plant Stress Biology/School of Life Sciences Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, China; 2 Zhengzhou Shuqing Medical College, Faculty of Basic Medicine, Zhengzhou 450000, China

Abstract: Abstract: Drought, salinity, low temperature could lead to water stress in plant growth. Plant perceives water stress and induces the synthesis of abscisic acid (ABA). ABA could induce stomatal closure or inhibit stomatal opening to reduce transpiration. This paper focuses on the function of plant hormone ABA and its downstream signal intermediating (H2O2, NO and Ca2+) in stomotal movement of plant to establish the basic model of regulation of ABA on stomotal movement under water stress.
Key words: abscisic acid; stomotal movement; water stress

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