赵 琼,何文容,张新岩,郭红卫*
北京大学蛋白质工程及植物基因工程国家重点实验室,北京 100871

摘 要:摘 要:乙烯信号途径的建立得益于一系列的突变体研究,EIN3是乙烯信号转导通路的核心转录因子,EIN3的蛋白质含量严格受F-BOX蛋白EBF1/EBF2的降解调控。为了进一步挖掘乙烯信号途径的新组分和深入研究EIN3及其下游的信号组分,作者筛选了四个不同来源的T-DNA库,并利用转基因植物EIN3ox作为遗传背景,进行了EIN3下游的抑制子筛选工作,还利用化学遗传学的方法筛选了四个小分子库。

Genetic and biochemical study of the ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis
ZHAO Qiong, HE Wen-rong, ZHANG Xin-yan, GUO Hong-wei*
National Laboratory of Protein Engineering and Plant Genetic Engineering, College of Life Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

Abstract: Abstract: Genetic and biochemical study of mutants involved in ethylene signaling established the current molecular framework of ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis. EIN3 as a key transcription factor is negatively regulated by EBF1/2 mediated degradation. To discover new components involved and to further study the events downstream EIN3, we screened mutants from four T-DNA insertion mutants?pools and another EMS mutated pool in background of EIN3ox. Besides, we screened four small compounds pools for chemicals may have effect on ethylene signaling in plants.
Key words: ethylene signaling; Arabidopsis; mutant screening; chemical genetics

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