
摘 要:摘 要:neurexin家族属于神经细胞表面蛋白,参与细胞识别和细胞黏附,可能介导细胞信号转导。最近研究表明,neurexins在突触发生和突触传递等过程中发挥重要作用,并可能影响学习记忆功能。这些研究进展对于进一步揭示neurexins在神经突触可塑性及其在学习记忆过程中的可能作用具有重要意义。本文主要对neurexin家族的研究概况、NRXN1在突触发生和突触传递中的功能及其在学习记忆功能中的可能作用进行简要综述。

Studies on neurexin family: advancement and function in synaptogensis and synaptic transmission
CHEN Shaohui, CHENG Xiaorui, ZHOU Wenxia*, ZHANG Yongxiang
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Beijing 100850, China

Abstract: Abstract:  The neurexins are neuronal cell surface proteins that may be involved in cell recognition and cell adhesion, mediate cellular signaling. Recent studies show that neurexins play a critical role in synaptogensis and synaptic transmission, and they might have effect on the learning and memory. This article gives a brief review on advancement of the study on the neurexin family, the function of NRXN1 in synaptogensis and synaptic transmission, and the possible role of NRXN1 in learning and memory.
Key words:  neurexin family;NRXN1;synaptogensis;synaptic transmission;learning and memory

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