《生命科学》 2010, 22(8): 729-735
摘 要:摘 要:植物角质膜是覆盖在植物最外层的一类有机混合物的总称,它是植物抵抗外界环境刺激的最后一道屏障,在植物生长发育过程中起重要作用。该文总结了近几十年来国内外关于角质膜的研究进展,通过植物角质膜的形态结构、化学组成、生物学功能等几个方面对角质膜的研究状况做系统综述,探讨目前研究中存在的一些问题,展望角质膜研究前景,以期为从事角质膜相关领域的研究提供可借鉴的参考依据。
Abstract: Abstract: Plant cuticle is a superficial film formed of the cutinized outer layers of the superficial wall of the epidermal cell of a plant, which also is the outer barrier against the biotic and abiotic stress. It plays important roles in plant growth and development. This paper reviewed the progress made in the structure, composition, biosynthesis and function of the plant cuticle in recent decades, and hoped that it will be helpful to researchers who interested in the relevant field.
Key words: cuticle membrane; wax; morphological structure; chemical composition; function