宁夏医学院医学遗传学与细胞生物学教研室,银川 750004

摘 要:摘 要:细胞色素P450(cytochrome, CYP)1B1是P450超基因家族酶系的一个重要成员,广泛分布于肝外组织,其代谢受到外源性致癌物、雌激素等多种因素的调控。该基因存在遗传多态性,目前已对CYP1B1基因多态性与乳腺癌易感性进行了多项研究。本文就CYP1B1基因的多态性、调控机制及其与乳腺癌的关系进行了综述。

Advances of cytochrome P4501B1 gene polymorphisms and their susceptibility to breast cancer
LIU Chunlian, JIAO Haiyan*
Department of Medical Genetics and Cell Biology, Ningxia Medical College, Yinchuan 750004, China

Abstract: Abstract: Cytochrome P450(CYP)1B1 is an important metabolic oxidase of P450 family. It distributes widely in extrahepatic tissues. The metabolism of CYP1B1 is regulated by exogenous carcinogens, estrogens and other factors. The CYP1B1 which function as the susceptible genes to breast cancer has many genetic polymorphisms. The polymorphisms, regulation mechanism and relation to breast cancer are reviewed in this paper.
Key words: cytochrome P4501B1;polymorphisms; breast cancer

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