《生命科学》 2010, 22(4): 396-400
摘 要:摘 要:脑机接口(BCI)系统可以把大脑发出的信息直接转换成能够驱动外部设备的命令, 并代替人的肢体或感觉器官实现人与外界的交流以及对外部环境的控制。BCI技术的发展目前还存在着很多问题,其中最关键的问题是必须有一个安全的、可长时间持续探测或者注射信号的方法。该文综述了当前BCI研究中不同脑电信号的提取方式特征以及信号记录装置,通过分析总结了其优缺点。对于各种不同信号方式的BCI,都有待于更多的科技工作者深入研究。
中图分类号:R338;R318;TP315 文献标识码:A
Abstract: Abstract: The brain computer interface(BCI) seeks to extract signals from the nervous system and deliver them to control the peripheral equipment. then the handicapped can achieve the communication with the outside. At present, BCI exists some issues. The key one is that BCI must provide a means to detect or inject signals, be safe, last for long periods of time. This paper summarizes the characteristic of the diverse extract signals and recording equipment, and compare their merit and shortcoming. BCI based on the diverse extracted signals need further to be studied in depth by more researchers.
Key words: brain computer interface; extract signals; recording equipment