
摘 要:摘 要:人类肿瘤大约90%以上源自于上皮。上皮干细胞是唯一长期存在于上皮组织的细胞,可积累多次突变生成肿瘤。所以,人们认为肿瘤多起源于正常干细胞。然而,目前研究中关于上皮肿瘤干细胞及其与正常上皮干细胞的关系了解甚少。现综述近年来有关上皮干细胞和肿瘤发生的关系及其调控机制方面的研究进展。

Epithelial tumor development from stem cells
SUN Hongyu, HU Kaimeng, LIU Houqi*
Department of Histology and Embryology, Academy of Basic Medicine, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China

Abstract: Abstract: Over 90% of all human neoplasia is derived from epithelia. Being long-term residents in epithelium, stem cells are uniquely susceptible to the accumulation of multiple oncogenic changes giving rise to tumors. So it is generally assumed that tumor cells are derived from normal stem cells, more work is needed to identify and characterize epithelial tumor stem cells. This article reviews the relationship and regulatory mechanism between normal stem cells and epithelial tumor stem cells.
Key words: epithelial stem cell; pretumor progression; tumor stem cell

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