《生命科学》 2010, 22(2): 119-123
摘 要:摘 要:长期以来,肾脏病的治疗进展一直十分缓慢,这是因为目前一些肾脏病在诊断分型上存在很多缺陷,分型通常只能依靠细微的组织病理学差异,这使早期诊断、预后追踪以及疗效观察都十分困难。如果能发现像肌钙蛋白一样特异的生物学标志物,将有助于提高肾脏病的诊疗水平。由于尿液与泌尿系统之间存在着天然的联系,这使得尿液在反映泌尿系统功能方面具备“地理”优势。因此,尿蛋白质组学的兴起和发展为肾脏病及其他泌尿系统疾病的研究开启了一扇新的大门。该文综述了尿蛋白质组学技术的发展及其在各种泌尿系统疾病研究中的应用。
Abstract: Abstract: Renal diseases garner less interest as a potential area for therapeutic development because they are often poorly characterized by subtle histopathologic changes on renal biopsy, and difficult to diagnose early, follow progression, and determine response to therapy. A troponin-like marker of renal dysfunction would be extremely helpful for the diagnostic and therapeutic development of renal diseases. As the output of urinary system, urine has the inherent advantage to reflect its condition. It is predicted that urinary proteomics will play an important role in clinical nephrology in the very near future. This article reviews the most promising technological approaches towards deciphering the urinary proteome and applications of the knowledge in clinical nephrology.
Key words: urine; proteome; renal disease; mass spectrum